Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Kasidi's puppies

Wednesday 28th March

My memory is not too great these day,s but I am sure, with previous litters, lots of food has been wasted, especially in the ealy days when the pups are learning to lap and use their baby teeth. Not so with this litter. I can honestly say that right from the word go, these puppies have eaten everything put in front of them. The amount of pooh they are producing and the fact they are all rather rotund makes me think I should cut back a little on their intake.

They were introduced to the chickens today. It is a cold but beautiful sunny day and perfect for them to discover a little of the big world outside. The chickens, who are normally very chilled with the dogs got their feathers ruffled and soon disappeared from their favourite sun spot outside of the utility room door. On the other hand the puppies were greatly entertained by seeing the effect their chasing had on the chickens and had great fun. I did not intervene as I knew the chickens could look after themselves.

I managed a long walk with the dogs today and noticed that Kasidi has lost some of the muscle in her back legs, bless her, It will not take long to build her back up as long energetic walks are a daly occurence in this house.

I took some lovely photos which hopefully will find their way to my website tomorrow.

We still bring the puppies into the living room with us at night and although It is messy It brings enormous rewards as they are joy to watch and relish being part of the family. They have started crying again at night and I am convinced It is because they realise there is another world beyond the utility room and they want to belong in It. 3am was the time they woke me this morning and when I checked in on them It was clear there was nothing wrong, they just wanted out of there.

I must register the litter with the kennel club today. I am terrible at organising myself when It comes to paperwork. I will find any number of things to do other than the job at hand.

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