Thursday, April 22, 2010

Motsi's puppies.

Thursday 22nd April

Benadryl and ear plugs are my saviours right now, they ensure a reasonable sleep. I am happy to get up a couple of times during the night just to make sure the puppies have at least a couple of times where they are all attached to their mum at the same time.

Picture the scenario...puppy is in the corner of the box, nose squashed up. Puppy has 2 options:-
1) Turn around and find mum.

2) Stay squashed up against the corner and scream until grandma comes, picks up puppy and puts back with mum.

What does puppy do, you guessed It, number 2.

The next stage of development to look forward to is the eyes opening and this usually starts around day 9-10, I always feel this is a huge milestone and of course their hearing develops too. They look so differently when their eyes are open.

All the pups weigh over 2 pounds in weight now so that is very pleasing.

Lela's temp remains within normal limits so she obviously didn't take from her first mating. Last night we brought the second whelping box into the living room and all of the dogs lay in It except Lela.

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