Thursday, August 9, 2007


Thursday 8th Of August.

Tonight I noticed that one of Ruby's teats looked swollen, on closer inspection I can say with certainty she has an infective mastitis. Already an opening is developing and I was able to squeeze out pus. Fortunately I have clavamox in the cupboard so I gave her 500mg and I will get her into the vets as an emergency in the morning. I don't know if this would be the antibiotic of choice but It is a broad spectrum anti biotic and I felt she had to be started on something.

This time last year I spent time reassuring my friend and Kasidi's breeder Liz, who was very distressed when her bitch developed an infective masititis and it definitely got worse before it got better. The temptation to let Ruby sleep with other dogs tonight was very strong but she has to keep feeding, I remember Liz being told this by her vet in England.

Ruby has given me no indication that she was developing a problem and I just hope for her sake we can get it sorted quickly. Maybe if she was a little more complaining and me a little more attentive, we could have prevented this.

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